How to choose between No-Prep vs Minimal-Prep Veneers

No-prep Dental Veneers

Having a beautiful, exquisite smile can give confidence that is hard to match. It is incredible to see how even a minor change in colour, shape or position of your teeth can make a world of difference to your smile. Cosmetic dentistry today offers an array of ways to transform your smile. Among these, veneers have been gaining preference as an effective option for those seeking a long-lasting makeover.

Dental veneers have been around for more than two decades. While these can be made using materials such as composite resin or porcelain, the last few years have seen a lot of buzz around both minimal-prep as well as no-prep veneers, as an alternative to the more aggressive traditional veneers. There has been a noticeable shift towards minimally invasive, conservative procedures that deliver comparable results.

The key differences between minimal-prep veneers and no-prep veneers

Minimal-prep veneers are usually made from porcelain, and require a minor degree of tooth preparation for a natural-looking fit when the veneers are bonded onto the teeth. Dentists will usually remove a fraction of a millimetre of tooth enamel, in order for the veneer to be well aligned and level with the surrounding teeth.

Choosing this approach requires a minimum of two visits to the dentist. On the first visit, your dentist will spend time in preparing your tooth, and taking impressions for custom veneers to be fabricated.

No-prep veneers can be made from tooth-coloured composite resin as well as high-quality, ultra-thin ceramic shells. These are directly bonded onto the teeth without requiring any alterations to the original tooth structure. As there is no tooth prep involved, this approach doesn’t entail any downtime, and it is possible to walk out with your new smile after your first visit! Given that both these approaches require limited tooth preparation and possibly, no anaesthesia, they also become a lot more affordable compared to traditional veneers.

The veneer approach will depend upon your smile goals

While both these approaches – no-prep veneers and minimal-prep veneers are available for patients, the final choice of what would be suitable for you depends on your dentist, and your own smile goals.

While it might be enticing for most to opt for no-prep veneers, not every person is a suitable candidate. Even ultra-thin veneers could make the teeth look bulky if there is no tooth prep In cases where the tooth is crooked, bonding a no-prep veneer might accentuate the crookedness further.

At GlamSmile, we are happy to help you achieve a stunning smile makeover with affordable porcelain veneers. If you are interested, you can simply book a consultation with our partner dentists closest to you.