Happy smile, happy mind!
Healthy and strong teeth give us a better quality of life. Smiling reduces stress, leading to a better mood by releasing endorphins into the brain, making you feel happier. Smiling boosts your immune system: A smile initiates relaxation in the body, relieving stress and tension, allowing the immune system to do its job more effectively.
When you are proud of your smile, you care for your teeth.
People who are not happy with their teeth tend not to care as well for them, leading to a cycle of neglect, where dental health continues to worsen as dissatisfaction increases. This can lead to costly future treatment, decreased mood or confidence, and even depression.
Live Longer!
A university study found that people with wide, happy smiles often live an extra 5 – 8 years longer compared to people who don’t! Whereas people who smiled with their mouth closed only gained around 3 extra years. Source: Abel & Kruger, 2010.
Healthy smile, healthy heart?
The link between oral health, plaque in the arteries, and heart disease is showing up in more and more studies. Be proud of your smile and take care of your teeth. Source: C. Paddock PhD (2013) Research is showing poor dental health has links to a wide range of other health problems, including Alzheimer’s disease, pancreatic cancer, respiratory infection, and rheumatoid arthritis. Source: V Grassi (2012), Whiteman (2013)